Jacky, Come Give Me Your Fiddle
“Jacky, come give me your fiddle,
If ever you mean to thrive.”
“Nay, I'll not give my fiddle
To any man alive.
“If I should give my fiddle
They'll think that I'm gone mad,
For many a joyful day.
My fiddle and I have had.”

Wrapped in 19th-century UK mystery, this nursery rhyme captured young hearts as a singing game during festive occasions. It secretly taught children about music and the joys of sharing, making it a popular pick for holiday gatherings and celebrations.
Center stage in this playful tune is Jacky and his cherished fiddle. The lyrics beckon Jacky to share his fiddle with the singer, who's eager to create music alongside him. This delightful ditty encourages children to relish music together and share their passions.
As with many traditional folk songs, scholars have dug for secret meanings hidden within this nursery rhyme. Could it be a metaphor for generously sharing talents and skills with others? Or perhaps it's a tribute to the vital role music plays in everyday life? The possibilities tickle the imagination!
Other versions
This rhyme's fame has led to a myriad of versions, each with its own lyrical twist and melody. For instance, The Little Mother Goose (1912) features:
John, come sell thy fiddle,
And buy thy wife a gown.
No, I'll not sell my fiddle,
For ne'er a wife in town.
From added verses to language adaptations, the song has evolved over time, with different cultures putting their unique spin on it. Yet, the core message remains the same - urging children to share and revel in music together, spreading joy and camaraderie.
So, the next time you hear Jacky's playful fiddle, remember the valuable lessons woven into this timeless nursery rhyme. Let it inspire a new generation of music lovers and remind us all of the importance of sharing, kindness, and the simple joys of life.