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Rhymes that are swell, kids love to tell.
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Nursery Rhymes
Baa, Baa, Black Sheep
Bat, Bat, Come Under My Hat
Bow, wow, wow!
Bye, Baby Bunting
Cock a doodle doo
Cold and Raw the North Winds...
Goosey, Goosey, Gander
Great A, Little A
Hickety, Pickety, My Black Hen
Hickory Dickory Dock
Hot Cross Buns
Humpty Dumpty Sat on a Wall
Hush-a-bye, Baby
Jack Sprat
Jack and Jill
Jack be Nimble
Jacky, Come Give Me Your Fiddle
Ladybug, Ladybug
Little Bo Peep
Little Boy Blue
Little Jack Horner
Little Jumping Joan
Little King Boggen
Little Miss Muffet
Little Nanny Etticoat
Little Polly Flinders
Little Pussy
Little Tommy Tittlemouse
London Bridge is Falling Down
Lucy Locket Lost Her Pocket
Man in the Moon
Mary Had a Little Lamb
Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary
Old King Cole
Old Mother Goose When She..
Old Mother Hubbard
One Misty, Moisty Morning
One, Two, Three, Four, Five
Peter, Peter Pumpkin Eater
Peter. Piper
Rain, Rain, Go Away
Ride Away, Ride Away
Ride a Cock Horse to Banbury..
Ring Around the Rosy
Rock-a-bye Baby
Row, Row, Row Your Boat
The Lion and the Unicorn
The Little Robin Grieves
The Queen of Hearts
There was an Old Woman Who..
Three Blind Mice
Three Children Sliding on the Ice
Three Wise Men of Gotham
To Market, to Market
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
Wee Willie Winkie
When Good King Arthur Ruled...
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